Wednesday, February 17, 2016

your daily food for thought... if you can manage :)))

the New Yorker cartoons

“Let’s work on opening up that fourth chakra.”

“It’s an exact replica of the kind of zoo they would usually live in.”

“Nope, no monsters under here.”

“You’re such a romantic.”

Luis Maria e a sua mãezinha na Rua de Miguel Bombarda

Luis Maria e a sua mãezinha na Rua de Miguel Bombarda

Maria Rueff na expo "Editions of you" de Jorge Cardoso @ Vantag galeria

Maria Rueff na expo "Editions of you" de Jorge Cardoso @ Vantag galeria

Há pragas e prahas :)

Current Affairs || Czech auction market strengthens in 2015 with surge in sales set to continue

Current Affairs

Czech auction market strengthens in 2015 with surge in sales set to continue
16-02-2016 15:20 | Ruth Fraňková

The Czech art market saw the second best result in its history last year, according to data released by the Czech art investment website Collectors and investors spent about 926 million crowns at Czech auctions in 2015, which is around 70 million more than in the previous year. The most expensive painting was a still life by Emil Filla which sold for more than 16 million crowns. I asked Jan Skřivánek of ArtPlus what kind of art was most sought after at auction houses:

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Jan Skřivánek, photo: Matěj PálkaJan Skřivánek, photo: Matěj Pálka “The Czech art market is mainly driven by classical modern or more widely speaking the first half of the 20th century, but there is also a growing interest also in 19th century art. A number of famous Czech painters of that era, such as Václav Brožík, Antonín Chitussi or Antonín Slavíček, sold for top prices.
“On the other side of the spectrum we also noticed a growing interest in post-war art. There was a painting by Mikuláš Medek which sold for 10 million crowns, which is again a record in that specific category.”
Have you noticed any significant interest in other works of art?
“There is, although paintings are the most preferred form. But last year there we saw a growing interest of collectors, even though still limited interest, in sculptures, especially from the post-war period.”
Have you registered any significant group of buyers participating at auctions?
“What the owners of the auction houses see as a positive trend is that there are still new people coming to the market and there are young people, in their thirties and early forties, participating at the auctions.
So all these aspects make a very positive overview of the Czech art market which is quite strong and heathy in terms what is offered, what prices these artworks reach and in terms of who the buyers as well.
Are there any special factors fuelling the art market?
Photo: Magdalena HrozínkováPhoto: Magdalena Hrozínková “Either it is old collections; people are selling artworks that either their parents or grandparents have bought. There is also an important number of art-dealers who specialise in finding the artworks, either buying them privately or at auctions abroad and then re-selling them at Czech auctions.
“One area which is quite specific is Chinese art which made quite important part of the market in the past five or six years, but this is actually slowing down, because most of these art works have already changed hands.”
Do you expect this positive trend to continue?
“I do. I don’t see any threat on the horizon so I hope that the positive trend will continue.”

Global Coverage ~ Unique Analysis

Os hábitos que as pessoas 'fit' têm

Os hábitos que as pessoas 'fit' têm

© Fornecido por Notícias ao Minuto

A genética pode ter aqui um papel importante, mas não é tudo.
Uma fatia de bolo não vai deixar gordo, tal como uma salada não vai fazer com que se torne instantaneamente saudável e em forma. São as escolhas diárias que distinguem as pessoas com um estilo d vida saudável e ‘fit’.
De acordo com o site Eat This, Not That! Eis os hábitos que as pessoas fit seguem:
1. Bebem água mal acordam. Manter a hidratação é muito importante para manter um corpo saudável e em forma.

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Active Fitness

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Active Fitness é um aplicativo e rede social para o monitoramento de atividades físicas ligadas à saúde, esporte…
2. Caminham sempre que podem. Ir a pé para o trabalho (ou de bicicleta), dar um pequeno passeio na hora de almoço ou caminhar depois de sair do trabalho promovem a boa forma, o bem-estar e ainda melhoram o humor.
3. Bebem chá verde. Simples, sem açúcar nem outro tipo de adoçantes. Ajuda o corpo a purificar.
4. Evitam adoçantes artificiais. Prejudicam o metabolismo, não fazem bem à saúde e ainda aumentam a fome.
5. Contam as cores, não as calorias. As calorias não são todas iguais. Mais importante do que estar atento às calorias é encher o prato com alimentos verdes, vermelhos e amarelos para conseguir uma refeição rica em nutrientes que abasteça bem o seu corpo.
6. Marcam os treinos antecipadamente. As pessoas ‘fit’ incluem os treinos na agenda como qualquer outra tarefa diária.
7. Dormem bem. Para ter um corpo saudável é essencial dar-lhe descanso. Durma entre sete e nove horas.
8. Cozinham sempre que possível. A melhor forma de evitar tentações e comer sem saber o que realmente está a ingerir é preparar as refeições em casa. Claro que também pode ir comer fora de vez em quando, com os devidos cuidados.